Friday, April 18, 2008

I Missed March

Where did March go? And not it's suddenly almost May. I know what happened to March, the IRS stole it! I was so busy working on taxes, getting paperwork in line, making sure all of my i's are dotted and t's are crossed, that here it is the end of may and I'm just surfacing. Just in time to file Sales Tax! (sigh).

So the weather is FINALLY warming up, and I'm thinking summer comfort fragrances. Downy Clean Breeze has become a new favorite, and Dreamsicle is always a favorite. But I have to say that Jasmine is starting to sound like a great fragrance to have on hand! My daughter's class took a field trip to the Arboretum yesterday, and they had a beautiful Jasmine tree in bloom, and smelled heavenly! I think we all need a little comfort at home these days, with the price of gas climbing. I myself think about riding my bike more, and making my home as cozy, comfortable, and inviting as I possibly can. Not to mention, my children will carry memories of the yummy fragrances in their hearts throughout their lifetime!

I hope you'll stop by and visit, and say hello! Enjoy Spring!

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