Monday, February 11, 2008

What I'm Burning Right Now!

I meant to do this on Sunday afternoon, because that's when I was enjoying this wonderful Egyptian Musk at home in my Candle Tart Warmer. It's such a warm, fuzzy feeling candle scent. I must confess, I just didn't have the gumption to clean my house yesterday, so it seemed like a good idea to burn a candle tart! The Egyptian Musk candle scent did the job, while my Roomba charged in the corner. I promise to get back to her tonight, so "Mona", our robot maid, can clean up all the dust bunnies and pet hair. But back to the candle tart. The Egyptian Musk is nice because it lends my house a warm and fuzzy feeling, with just a hint of "upscale" comfort. Definitely an example of how a candle scent can change the feeling in your home and the mood in your mind. Scent is definitely good for the soul! What's even better? I could still smell the beautiful soft candle fragrance when I was getting the kids ready for school. Now if I could just train the dogs to turn on the Candle Tart Warmer about 30 minutes before I get home at night! :)